November Offering Update: Ecumenical Hunger Program (11/30/2016)

Ecumenical Hunger Program: Our church has been involved with this very worthwhile program for many years by contributing food, clothing and other household items. Church members volunteer their time, and we give monetary support through this annual offering. In addition to the special offering, we are again collecting turkeys, hams, roast or whole chickens and other items as part of November’s gratitude focus [see suggested items here].

We have received $640 toward our goal of $600. 

November Offering Update: Ecumenical Hunger Program (11/16/2016)

Ecumenical Hunger Program: Our church has been involved with this very worthwhile program for many years by contributing food, clothing and other household items. Church members volunteer their time, and we give monetary support through this annual offering. In addition to the special offering, we are again collecting turkeys, hams, roast or whole chickens and other items as part of November’s gratitude focus [see suggested items here].

We have received $130 toward our goal of $600. 

November Offering Update: Ecumenical Hunger Program (11/9/2016)

Ecumenical Hunger Program: Our church has been involved with this very worthwhile program for many years by contributing food, clothing and other household items. Church members volunteer their time, and we give monetary support through this annual offering. In addition to the special offering, we are again collecting turkeys, hams, roast or whole chickens and other items as part of November’s gratitude focus [see suggested items here].

We have received $50 toward our goal of $600. 

November Special Offering: Ecumenical Hunger Program

Our goal is $600.

It is that time of the year again that we give thanks for the food on our tables and the clothing on our backs. It is also that special time that we at First Baptist Church share out resources with our neighbors who are less fortunate.

We share a long history with the Ecumenical Hunger Program. In 1975. In 1975, Miriam Nixon and a group from Church Women United which included women from our own congregations began channeling surplus and donated food to neighborhood pantries where it was distributed to families in need.

Continue reading November Special Offering: Ecumenical Hunger Program

Crop Walk October 2

Sunday, October 2nd at 1 PM
Burgess Park along Burgess Drive, Menlo Park

I am in the process of forming our team to participate in this year’s Crop Walk to be held on Sunday, October 2, at 1 PM in Burgess Park, Menlo Park. If you are interested in participating and “walking with a purpose,” come join us. I hope we can have a large group from FBC in this event.

To sign up or donate, you can go to the website: Scroll down the page and find Top Teams, and click on View All. We are listed as First Baptist Palo Alto. Click on our team and scroll down to either Donate or Join our Team. Easy-to-follow instructions will appear.

Crop Walk is an annual event that supports Church World Service in their efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty. Our local walk will also contribute to local efforts to meet the needs of the hungry. If you go to the website that I mentioned above, you can learn more about the contribution that Crop Walk makes across the nation, as well as here at home.

Any questions, please ask me, Carolyn Shepard.  Find me at church or call me.

CROP Walk, October 2, 1016

Sunday, October 2nd at 1 PM
at Burgess Park along Burgess Drive, Menlo Park

CROP Walk team

We will again have education, music, and food to help nourish our bodies and minds at the event.

Thanks to all who came and those who supported them, we raised over $22,000 last year, up from $13,000 in 2014. Seventy-five percent of the money went to Church World Service or to relief agencies of your choice, and 25 % went to two local hunger fighting agencies. CWS accomplishes a lot with this money. For example, women in Kenya learn how to build their own sand dam so they don’t have to go so far to get water, disadvantaged minorities in Paraguay and Bolivia learn to grow kitchen gardens as small businesses, and gypsy children in Serbia finally get access to schooling.

To catch a glimpse of the impact you are making, check out CWS’s key projects in 2015-2016 on the NGO Aid Map:

I hope more of us from FBC can join in this walk.  It is a fun way to make an impact on fighting hunger, both locally and abroad.

Carolyn Shepard

American Baptist Children in Poverty grants

ABHMS Children in Poverty grant-recipient church operates successful feeding ministry

CiP Grant Church

Heritage Baptist Church, Annapolis, Md., has been nourishing children and families with healthy food through its “Blessings in a Backpack” ministry since 2009. And American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) has been happy to play a part by supporting the ministry though a Justice for Children Initiative Children in Poverty (CiP) grant.

“When I visited Heritage Baptist, volunteers showed me a pantry well-stocked with packaged goods and boxes of fresh fruit ready for weekly distribution to 75 children at two elementary schools,” says the Rev. Lisa Harris Lee, ABHMS national coordinator of the Justice for Children Initiative.

Lee points out that, as with most other grant recipients, Heritage Baptist has found that the number of children participating in its program has grown yearly.

“The number of children in need of support keeps increasing,” she says.

Read more at American Baptist Home Mission Societies…

Crop Hunger Walk October 4

CROP WalkThe Crop Walk is on Sunday, October 4, with registration beginning at 1 and the walk beginning at 2 PM. It is being held at Burgess Park in Menlo Park.

The purpose is to raise money to fight hunger. Three fourths of the money raised goes to Church World Service.  The remaining fourth goes to two local organizations that work with needy people in our area, namely the Ecumenical Hunger Project and Call Primrose in Burlingame.

In addition to walking, there will be food, an auction, a couple of bands, and a chance to meet like-minded people. Faith groups from Los Altos to Burlingame will be participating.

Click here for  instructions for all of our walkers and for anyone who may wish to donate to our team online.

Carolyn Shepard


CROP Hunger Walk October 4

CROP WalkFrom Carolyn Shepard-

Do you enjoy walking? Come join me and walk for a purpose on Sunday, Oct. 4 at 1:00 p.m. We meet at Burgess Park in Menlo Park for a one-mile walk, three-mile walk, or a five-mile run through a nice residential district.

The purpose is to raise money to fight hunger. Three fourths of the money raised goes to Church World Service. The remaining fourth goes to two local organizations that work with needy people in our area, namely the Ecumenical Hunger Project and Call Primrose in Burlingame.

To find out more about CROP walks and Church World Service you can go to their web site, . Or find out more about the San Francisco Peninsula CROP Walk.

In addition to walking, there will be food, an auction, a couple of bands, and a chance to meet like-minded people. Faith groups from Los Altos to Burlingame will be participating.

Contact me if you are interested in joining our team and I will give you a donation form to start collecting donations. Or, you can e-mail me, if you want to participate.

− Carolyn Shepard