Note from Pastor Rick (9/22/2016)

Thanks to Stefanie Bruggeman for sharing so well the work of the Opportunity Center last Sunday. Pastor Gregory with the children and youth made a good start on a “Youth Garden” (see here). Two things to keep in mind – the upcoming “Blessing of the Animals,” on Saturday morning October 1, 10:00 AM – bring your own critters and/or share the word with others. The service will be on the lawn and brief, with individual prayers of blessing for each animal. Also, don’t forget the Crop Walk on Sunday October 2. Carolyn will have a sign-up sheet for anyone who wants walk or anyone who wants to contribute to team FBCPA.

This week we will conclude a brief series on creation with a focus on the Cosmos. The texts are from Psalms, Proverbs, John, and Colossians. Psalm 148 is one of those great Psalms of praise that end the collection. All creation joins in praise of God. The other texts all speak of the interconnections of the Godhead and how all creation models that interconnectedness. With Wisdom and Christ and the Spirit and God, in the beginning there was the relationship! There is much to celebrate here and much to learn as we grow in wisdom and understanding, faith and love.

Come for Worship and Sunday School at 10 AM. Stay for Adult Spiritual Formation, where we will resume our consideration of the video series, Saving Jesus Redux.

Together, let us strive…to know God’s love!

Pastor Rick


September Mission Offering: The Opportunity Center

This is the time of year that we take our special offering to serve the needs of the homeless in our own community. The Opportunity Center, located on Encina Avenue in Palo Alto, operates under the umbrella organization called Life Moves, formerly InnVision Shelter Network.

Continue reading September Mission Offering: The Opportunity Center

September Mission Offering: Opportunity Services Center

Opportunity CenterOur special offering for September supports the Opportunity Services Center, our local center of InnVision Shelter Network, which addresses the needs of the homeless in our area. The Opportunity Services Center is located at 33 Encina Avenue in Palo Alto, between Town and Country Village and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. It functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to homeless-related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

The Opportunity Center itself has 88 units of housing for both single adults and families. It provides a wide variety of services to assist with basic needs and to enable people to find stability in their lives and housing.

The first step towards helping community members find their way out of homelessness, or to help them avoid it, is to provide for their basic needs, such as a hot cup of coffee, somewhere to perform personal hygiene, a place to pick up mail or return a phone call, assistance in finding food and shelter, and a supportive sense of community. Once they’re in the door with some basic needs met, people need access to a wide variety of social, rehabilitative, and educational services.

The Opportunity Center is a place that is organized and set up to address a wide range of those needs that go beyond the basics.

This September offering gives us the opportunity to impact those in need right here at home. Our goal for this offering is $600. Please give generously to help meet this goal.

Carolyn Shepard

September Mission Offering Update (9/24/2014)

Opportunity CenterSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $490 toward our goal of $600.

September Mission Offering Update (9/17/14)

Opportunity CenterSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $340 toward our goal of $600.

September Mission Offering: Opportunity Services

Opportunity CenterSeptember’s Special Mission Offering will be for Opportunity Services Center of Palo Alto and InnVision Shelter Network.

Our special offering for September supports the Opportunity Services Center, our local center of Invision/Shelter Network, which addresses the needs of the homeless in our area. The Opportunity Services Center, located at 33 Encina Avenue in Palo Alto, functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

The Opportunity Center itself has 88 units of housing for both single adults and families. It provides a wide variety of services to assist with basic needs and to enable people to find stability in their lives and housing.

The first step towards helping community members find their way out of homelessness, or to help them avoid it, is to provide for their basic needs, such as a hot cup of coffee, somewhere to perform personal hygiene, a place to pick up mail or return a phone call, assistance in finding food and shelter, and a supportive sense of community. Once they’re in the door with some basic needs met, people need access to a wide variety of social, rehabilitative, and educational services.

The Opportunity Center is a place that is organized and set up to address a wide range of those needs that go beyond the basics.

This September offering gives us the opportunity to impact those in need right here at home. Please give generously to help meet this goal.

Our goal for this offering is $600.

September Mission Offering Update (10/2)

Inn Vision Shelter NetworkSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $610 toward our goal of $600. Congratulations!

September Mission Offering Update (9/25)

Inn Vision Shelter NetworkSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $580 toward our goal of $600.

September Mission Offering Update (9/18)

Inn Vision Shelter NetworkSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $445 toward our goal of $600.

September Mission Offering Update

Inn Vision Shelter NetworkSeptember’s Special Mission Offering is for InnVision and the Opportunity Services Center. The center functions as a service to the wider community by providing a creative response to home-less related problems and offering opportunities for the community to respond to those needs. Its highest concern is to provide a positive and caring environment that respects the dignity of every person.

To date we have received $235 toward our goal of $600.