Mission Offering for April: ABSW

Our April Special Mission Offering is for the American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW). ABSW is located in Berkeley, and is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical institution, ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley.

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Pearl Pe’s father, the Rev. U. Than Pe from Burma (now Myanmar), was a visiting scholar for a year.  Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

Our goal for this offering is $750, which will be used for student financial aid and will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society.

Note from Pastor Rick (5/25/2016)

love quiltThanks to Geoff Browning, UCCM campus minister, for leading our Adult Spiritual Formation last Sunday.  It was good to brought up to date on UCCM program and activities, including their trip to Nicaragua last March. Both Pastor Gregory and Charlotte Jackson are currently serving on the UCCM board.

I had a good time as respondent to the annual Drexler Lecture at the American Baptist Seminary of the West last week. I got to provide transportation for the speaker, J. Brent Walker, the retiring Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty. It was great to get hear Brent’s update from the BJC and the state of religious liberty in the USA, and to get better acquainted with this fine champion of Baptist principles. Then, on Saturday I attended the ABSW commencement ceremony at the historic First Baptist Church of Oakland. The speaker was my old friend, Margaret Cowden, former treasurer of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. I enjoyed seeing her and also watching my students from last spring receive their diplomas and awards.

Worship this week will focus on “Peace Now”. The texts from Micah, Luke and Romans are all familiar passages pertaining to peace. Micah urges us to study war no more. In Luke’s “Sermon on the Plain,” Jesus tells us we must love our enemies. Paul, writing to the church at Rome, says, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Each text treats the challenges and rewards of committing ourselves to making peace now. We’ll close the service by singing, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

In Adult Spiritual Formation we will consider a new book by Dan Shapiro, founder and director of the Harvard International Negotiation Program. I heard Dan interviewed on public radio and was impressed with his understanding and vision. The book, Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts, is a thoughtful and practical guide to helping us find harmony and reconciliation, whether at home, church or on the global stage.

Join us for these opportunities Sunday, starting at 10:00 AM. Invite your family and friends, neighbors and colleagues, acquaintances and strangers to join us as we explore the things that make for peace.

Together, let us strive…to know God’s love!

Pastor Rick


Note from Pastor Rick

Tomorrow evening the American Baptist Seminary of the West will present its annual Drexler lecture. This year the speaker is J. Brent Walker, the retiring Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty. This historic organization is supported by several Baptist groups and is a champion of real religious liberty in the USA, including the proper separation of church and state. Brent will speak on “Defending and Extending Religious Liberty for All: How Are We Doing?” I am honored to be one of the respondents along with Professor Abdullah Ali of Zaytuna College, a scholar in Islamic law and prophetic tradition.

The Spirit arrived on Sunday with colors and flame, with poppers and geese, with beautiful music and an appreciation of all things red. We also received the fruit of the Spirit as gift and challenge. Later that afternoon, Resounding Achord and the Carlmont High School Chamber Choir presented a splendid concert focused on compassion, justice, and the things that make for peace.

Which is the focus for this week’s worship. As Jesus came close to the end of his earthly life and ministry, he sat on the hillside and wept over the old city of Jerusalem. “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.” He could foresee the destruction of the city that lay just  around the corner. So, what are the things that make for peace. Is it too late for us to learn them and practice them, or are we sowing the seeds of our own destruction? Isaiah presents a vision of the Holy Mountain that rises in the center of God’s Beloved Community. Here the Spirit blows wildly, wisdom flows freely and there is no longer hurt or destruction for creation is set right. Will we ever get there?

In Adult Spiritual Formation we will welcome Geoff Browning, United Campus Christian Minister at Stanford and some of the students who went to Nicaragua on a good will trip this spring. He will also share news of the Stanford Peace and Justice Initiative. UCCM is a mission project of FBCPA. Both Charlotte Jackson and Pastor Gregory currently sit on its board.

Come join us for any or all of these opportunities Sunday, starting at 10:00 AM. Invite your family and friends, neighbors and colleagues, acquaintances and strangers to join us as we explore the things that make for peace.

Together, let us strive…to know God’s love!

Pastor Rick

Mission Offering for April: ABSW (4/27/16)

Our April Special Mission Offering is for the American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW). ABSW is located in Berkeley, and is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical institution, ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley.

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Pearl Pe’s father, the Rev. U. Than Pe from Burma (now Myanmar), was a visiting scholar for a year.  Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

To date we have received $585 toward our goal of $750, which will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society. We encourage you to give generously to continue the long-standing support to students by the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto.

Mission Offering for April: ABSW (4/20/16)

Our April Special Mission Offering is for the American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW). ABSW is located in Berkeley, and is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical institution, ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley.

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Pearl Pe’s father, the Rev. U. Than Pe from Burma (now Myanmar), was a visiting scholar for a year.  Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

To date we have received $445 toward our goal of $750, which will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society. We encourage you to give generously to continue the long-standing support to students by the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto.

Mission Offering for April: ABSW

Our April Special Mission Offering is for the American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW). ABSW is located in Berkeley, and is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical institution, ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley.

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Pearl Pe’s father, the Rev. U. Than Pe from Burma (now Myanmar), was a visiting scholar for a year.  Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

To date we have received $175 toward our goal of $750, which will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society. We encourage you to give generously to continue the long-standing support to students by the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto.

Mission Offering for April: ABSW

Our April Special Mission Offering is for the American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW). ABSW is located in Berkeley, and is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical institution, ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley.

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Pearl Pe’s father, the Rev. U. Than Pe from Burma (now Myanmar), was a visiting scholar for a year.  Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

To date we have received $150 toward our goal of $750, which will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society. We encourage you to give generously to continue the long-standing support to students by the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto.

April Special Mission Offering: American Baptist Seminary of the West

American Baptist Seminary of the WestThe American Baptist Seminary of the West (ABSW) is a charter member of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) since 1962. ABSW was founded in 1871 and is the center of American Baptist ecumenical theological education in the far western United States.

The seminary is affiliated denominationally with ABC USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, and admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. ABSW is described on Twitter as multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, evangelical, and ecumenical. ABSW offers its students resources through the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), the largest partnership of seminaries and graduate schools in the United States. ABSW students may take classes at 9 other GTU seminaries and have access to one of the finest theological libraries in the world, a faculty of distinguished scholars, and the resources of UC Berkeley. Through the GTU, students can pursue ABSW degrees as well as Ph.D., Th.D., M.A., and two joint Ph.D. programs with UC Berkeley.

ABSW graduation ceremonies this year will be held at the First Baptist Church, 534 22nd Street, Oakland, California on May 21st at 2:00 p.m.

The campus was saddened by the sudden death of its president, Paul Martin, on March 23rd. Dr. Martin spent well over fifty years in pastoral ministry. Several memorial services are planned:

  • April 16, 11 AM, Second Baptist Church, 2412 Griffith Avenue,
    Los Angeles, CA
  • April 30, 10 AM, Allen Temple Baptist Church, 8501 International Blvd., Oakland, CA
  • May 14, 11 AM, Macedonia Baptist Church, 3240 Adams Street,
    Denver, CO

Many of our own church’s leaders and prominent members have been associated with ABSW: Rick Mixon is a graduate, as are the late Jim Shepard (CBTS), E.Y. Fung, Dona Smith-Powers and Lynn Hunwick.

Our goal of $750 for the April Mission Offering for ABSW scholarships will be matched by the ABC Home Mission Society. We encourage you to give generously to continue the long-standing support to students by the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto.

Marilyn and Lynn Hunwick

Holy Week: Death and Life

easter_cross.fwIt is the middle of Holy Week and with it comes that sad news of the death today of Dr. Paul Martin, President of the American Baptist Seminary of the West. Paul led the school through some difficult times with grace, good humor and a big heart. He will be sorely missed. We will keep his family and the seminary community in our prayers in this challenging time. I will personally miss his good humored teasing and the warmth of his welcome.

Tomorrow night I invite you all to attend a simple soup supper and Maundy Thursday Communion Service in the Parlor. In this service we will extinguish the last of the Tenebrae candles as we anticipate the pervasive darkness of Good Friday. On Friday,  from Noon to 3:00 PM, we will open the Sanctuary for prayer and mediation. We will have resources on which you may reflect as well as contemplative music playing. You may also choose to walk the labyrinth as you recall the events and power of Christ’s passion.

Saturday morning at 10:00 AM we will gather to prepare the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary for the Easter celebration. Don’t forget to bring blossoms for the flower cross on Sunday. As always, Jan has planned extra music for Easter. We will have several people helping out the choir as well as Daniel Ramirez on saxophone and Daniel Ramirez on cello. I want to alert you that worship will begin at 10:00 AM. The welcome and announcements will not come until later in the service.

The service will begin in the “darkness” of that first early morning when Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb to grieve, only to find the sealing stone rolled away and the grave empty. She was at a loss. She didn’t know what to make of it and rushed off to tell the others what had happened. As we confront the empty tomb we, too, are left to wonder what to make of it all.  What does Easter and Resurrection mean to you? How would you tell the story and to whom?  What have we learned from walking in the darkness that will help us walk in the emerging light of an Easter dawn?

After worship, we will hold our annual Easter Egg hunt for children and brunch for everyone. Please bring finger food to share. Come Sunday morning at 10:00 AM for reflection on and celebration of the new life that is offered in Jesus, the Christ. Invite your family and friends, neighbors and colleagues, acquaintances and strangers to join us in the joy of this Easter Sunday.

love quiltTogether, let us strive…to know God’s love!

Pastor Rick

April Mission Offering: ABSW (5/13/15)

Doug Davidson at ABSWSpecial Mission Offering for April goes to support scholarship aid at the American Baptist Seminary of the West. ABSW has been a charter member of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) since 1962. ABSW, founded in 1871, is the center of American Baptist ecumenical theological education in the far western United States. The seminary is affiliated denominationally with ABC-USA and the Progressive National Baptist Convention. ABSW admits students from a variety of denominational traditions. ABSW is described as Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnic, Evangelical, and Ecumenical.

Our church has many connections with ABSW: Our Minister of Faith Formation and Family Life, Doug Davidson, is a student and his wife, Jennifer Davidson, is Assistant Professor of Worship and Theology. Our pastor is a graduate of ABSW, as are Dona Smith Powers and Lynn Hunwick.  Pastor Rick is currently teaching there in sabbatical coverage in pastoral care and counseling.

To date, we have received $1154 towards our goal of $750.